Did you know?

On average, the costs and wastages an organization incurs:


looking for a misplaced file

documents are lost

hours spent recreating lost documents


copies of each document is made


in labour to file a document

Managing paper documents is a cumbersome and costly task.

Our Features


KOMI eForm

Create dynamic forms on the fly securely with custom workflows


Scan and index from your Konica Minolta Multi-Function Printer (MFP)


Sync and access your documents offline

KOMI Doc Office Manager

Publish Microsoft documents directly to KOMI Doc Cloud Platform portal

KOMI Doc Logo-02 3

KOMI Workflow

Design electronic approval workflow

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KOMI Search

Search from third party applications by keyboard shortcut

Digital Safe Box

Safeguard your documents with advanced security

KOMI Mobile

Access documents from iOS, Android mobile phones and tablets

The Top Benefits of


Enhanced Security

Safeguard your confidential documents against illegitimate entry and data thefts with KOMI Doc's security features which include encryption, multi-factor authentication, digital watermarks, access rights control, and other top-level security features.


Eliminate Excess Costs

By setting your organization free from paper, storage space (filing cabinets, boxes), paper consumption, man hours spent on recreating content, searching for documents brings savings in operational costs.


Stronger Collaboration

Seamlessly connecting both your physical and digital workspace - access information, tasks and business processes on-the-go anywhere and anytime, enabling an efficient and productive workforce.


Quick & Easy Configuration

Assign user access and permissions as and when required; grant access rights to projects, documents and tasks delegation

Intuitive User Experience

Easy to navigate, no coding needed to build workflow and business processes


Options available for either cloud-based or on-premise document management software models

Boost collaboration and productivity

Speed up digital transformation and gain productivity, competitivity, customer satisfaction and financial efficiency.

Why Businesses
Prefer KOMI Doc

searchcompetitors KomiLogo Other Document Management Systems
Main Features Feature details
file management system Document Retrieval & Storage
Full Text Search (Google-like search box to retrieve file within content)
Real Time Access for the most recent version of documents
3rd Party Integration
Seamless Integration with Konica Minolta Multi-Function Printer
Easy Integration with Microsoft Office Applications
Workflow Automation
Automate Business Process Management with Workflow Manager
E-Form allows to create Workflow on the Fly
Compliance / Security
Share Documents with Auto-Generated Password Protection
Access Information from iOS, Android, mobile phones and tablets with App

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In the Business Of

Strengthening New Norms

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